A Piece of You

Dear Friends,

We love the truth of God’s nearness. And yet sometimes it’s the thing right in front of us that we miss.

Not today.

In bold below is a chorus I sang about this, and below that are a few thoughts.

You put a piece of You in all You made
It’s beautiful
Because You’re beautiful

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made (John 1:3). Nothing.

Just as an artist can be identified by the uniqueness of his brushstrokes, like the poet with a signature turn of phrase, our God can be seen in everything He made.

His goodness, His kindness, His unrelenting love: it’s uncontainable. The ocean of who He is spills over, and suddenly the sky is streaked with color at sunset.

We go about the busyness of our day—head down, power through—when we are unexpectedly stopped in our tracks by the sound of a bird singing the first songs of spring. And suddenly, for the first time in a long time, we feel hope welling up inside.

Hope, beauty…it’s like He put a piece of Himself in everything He made.

Over church history, the religious have at different times tried to make knowing God exclusive. Reserved for the elite, the educated, restricted to the ones who could read the words on the page. The fasting-enough, praying-enough, doing-enough.

But here’s the truth: you can walk out the front door right now and find Him. Just a glance out the window will tell you something of His heart. In creation, He is reaching to be known.

It’s offensive to our pride. So child-like we overlook it. We look out the window a hundred times a day and forget to wonder at Him.

Not today. Today, I’m taking note. The sun makes its circuit—God is faithful. The winter freeze is beginning to break—God will never forsake, and His timing is perfect. The sky, even in winter, has a whole gradient of blues—He is unnecessarily extravagant.

You put a piece of You in all You made. It’s beautiful because You are beautiful.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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