A Stunning Humiliation

Hi Friends,

As we meditated on the events leading up to the cross last month, I sang a phrase that my heart keeps gravitating back to.

Here it is:

Oh the beauty of the seed as it’s falling.

The life of Christ until the cross reads like one long condescension. Lower, lower, lower. From enthroned Lord in Heaven, rightly recognized as God, to woundable, dependent flesh in the arms of a mother.

The height differential is so great that it appears He is free-falling. But He’s actually choosing each and every step. Lower, lower, lower.

The seed is falling.

He comes not just in flesh, but into poverty. On the run to save His life as a baby, hunted. He comes with no beauty that we should desire Him. He comes in the form of a bondservant.

Eternal riches and delight traded for poverty and pain. Falling, falling, falling.

“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). These words from Jesus’ own mouth expose His heart. He came to be the firstborn of many: to lead a harvest of sons into eternal life.

Falling, falling, falling. He came into the abyss of sin. Into the depravity where even the ground itself was cursed and made to produce thorns. He fell so low as to become that curse and to wear those thorns on His very brow.

Adam and Eve chose the fruit of a tree that would damn mankind to captivity and death. Jesus descends to choose a tree, too. His cross, His death, will bring life any who would eat of it. Not just life, but life forevermore.

Yes, He is the seed who spends a lifetime falling. A beautiful descent. A stunning humiliation.

How beautiful the seed as it’s falling.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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