Finding Pasture

Hi Friends,

There’s a miracle that happens in the Christian soul. A quiet event that escapes the grasp of the naked eye but is so monumental it changes everything.

It’s this: Christ comes to dwell in our hearts through faith.

Like incense that fills a room with an undeniable, invisible fragrance, the Spirit fills the heart, and we are no longer alone.

The last couple weeks we have been looking at Christ, the door in John 10 by which the sheep go “in and out and find pasture”.

As we live our days, going in and out through the door of Christ, we carry the very Holy of Holies in our frame. It’s like glory filling up a jar of clay. It’s like a feast of Christ always accessible. We His sheep find pasture—nourishment and rest—wherever we go because we carry Christ within.

Matthew Henry points out that the sheep go in and out and “find pasture in both: grass in the field, fodder in the fold. In public, in private, they have the word of God to converse with”.

He is our very conversation.

Yes, He nourishes our souls in our coming and going. In our walking in the freedom He supplies. In the middle of it all, He is our very feast and our rest. Our conversation with Him is the pasture of Christ within.

The thief in John 10 comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The Good Shepherd comes to be the door—to give freedom and life. He says, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”. More abundantly. He is able to do exceedingly more than you could ask or think (Eph 3:20).

This Good Shepherd, this door of freedom, this indwelling pasture—He is infinitely committed to abundant life flowing through your being.

Thank you, Jesus, door of freedom. Be my feast, and give me rest and nourishment all through the day.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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