He Will

Hi Friends,

We’ve been singing through Psalm 42 on Thursday mornings. In two decades of singing the Bible corporately, I’ve found that sometimes you show up and sing the passage, searching for what revelation might come while you do it.

And sometimes the phrases come right from the gut. This is one of those.

In bold below is a chorus I sang this week, and below that are a few thoughts.

I would do anything
I would do anything
I would do anything
For more of You

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul longs for you.

It reads like poetry, lives like utter desperation. Yes, this is a story about survival.

When you are dying of thirst, you know exactly what you need. You pass up gold, opportunity, open doors, applause, all of it. It’s not even tempting. When you’re achingly thirsty, you will do anything to find the water.

You check all the wells that have nourished you in the past, running from one to the next. Some are dry. Some turn out to be broken cisterns. The search continues.

When shall I appear before God?

What I love about this phrase in Psalm 42 is the assurance that, despite the downcast soul, the disquieted turmoil inside, the unquenched thirst, the author is utterly confident that he will appear before God. The question is not will I find Him. It’s when.

It’s a matter of time.

Even in the worst of the ache, the darkest part of the night, we are assured that daybreak is coming.

The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime (verse 8).

He will. He will. He will.

Are you walking through a challenge? Are you grieving? Does God seem distant? This is the promise we hold onto in the darkest of hours.

The day will break. He will command His lovingkindness.

He will.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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