How He Interacts

Dear Friends,

I’ve been reading a book recommended by my church. It’s about spiritual authority and abuse, and it is taking me to school in the best way.

One of the premises is this concept:

Watch how authority figures interact with the vulnerable: they are revealing to you who they are.

Enter, Jesus.

It’s unbelievably extravagant that we have four books of the Bible in which we get to watch Him simply interact with others.

Jesus, who are You?

He the kind of God who walks a long, dusty road straight through “enemy territory” to meet up with a condemned woman drawing water from a well. He offers her living water.

He comes to a halt in the middle of a crowd after a shamed woman touches the hem of His garment. She’s already healed—He just wants to look her in the face and call her daughter.

He flips over the money-changers’ tables in the temple and calls the religious leaders of the day white-washed tombs. He is angry at the heavy weight they tie up on men’s shoulders.

He turns water into wine, prolonging the party at a wedding.

I particularly love the scene where Jesus tosses a coin to Peter, “whose image do you see? Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.” Jesus moves through the world, looking into the faces of image bearers. And with every touch of His hand, word on His lips, He does the beautiful kingdom work of giving to God what is God’s.

I am reading through the Gospels again with this filter. Asking the Word made flesh to show me through His every interaction with humanity:

Who are You?


P.S. I’ll do that questionable thing where I recommend a book I’m only 3/4 the way through. Check out the book I referenced here if you want to finish it with me!

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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