Just Because

Hi Friends,

Here in the midwest we are experiencing a time of scorching heat. If ever there were a time to hunker down indoors, blasting the AC, it’s now.

But even still, I can’t seem to stop myself each evening from sitting out on the deck and watching the sky.

In bold below are some lyrics based on Psalm 19 I keep singing. Below that are a few thoughts.

Heart within
Take it in
Soak it up, you’re loved
He fills all heaven and earth with beauty just because​

Think about it.

The beauty of creation is an unnecessary extravagance.

The colors, the vibrancy, the immensity of the universe. The exacting detail of a blade of grass. You could live all your life on earth and still be struck with awe at the breadth of a redwood tree.

Sun up, sun down. This one small planet we live on, green, blue and white, whirling around a giant flaming ball of gas that paints our horizon each morning and evening. It’s undeniably, inexplicably beautiful.

He could have done it any other way. He could have declared His glory without all the excess.

He could have accomplished the function and form of life with a black and white, silent world. It would have been enough.

But not for Him.

God wants to be known by us. He longs to be discovered. He longs to be enjoyed.

He took all the beauty of His personality, the fullness of His emotions, the layers of who He is in the depths of His being, and He demonstrates it all around us every single day.

Yes, the display of His glory in creation is proof that He has chosen us to know Him.

Us. Normal, unimpressive you and me. The God of all the universe is reaching for us, wooing us, with the splendor in nature. Like lines on parchment in a treasure hunt, he whispers through creation, come and find Me.

Walk outside today. (Yes, even if it’s a scorcher!) Take in the color. Soak up the beauty. Let this unnecessary extravagance speak to your worth.

You are loved.


P.S. Have you ever felt God’s nearness, or learned something new about His heart by being out in nature? Hit reply if you want to share!

As always, I love hearing from you!

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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