Not One Step

Hi Friends,

These lyrics have been my prayer this week:

Let’s do this together
Not one step without You
Author of the future
Hold me up beside You

John 14 starts out with this instruction from Jesus: “Let not your hearts be troubled”. No problem, right?

As the Shepherd who knows the hearts and minds of His sheep better than anyone, what is Jesus asking of us? Surely He is not telling our anxious-ridden souls, “just don’t be anxious”.

I believe there’s something deeper happening in this moment.

Jesus is giving keys to the one with an anxious heart. A way forward. A way that, when (not if) we feel anxious, there is a path forward to not staying in our anxiety. He gives us the keys in these phrases: “Believe in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you”.

I believe He is encouraging the heart struggling with failures, fears, and the future to think on these things:

1) Remember who He is. What His heart is like. Your history together. Talk to Him.
2) There’s a big, diverse family of God, and you are in it.
3) You belong in this family. It’s your home.
4) Eternity is real, physical, tangible. You can trust Him with your losses.

A friend reminded me this week that even Jesus Himself had a troubled heart. (That’s right—I had to look it up, too. Check out the two instances in John 13:21 and Mark 14:33.)

In the Garden of Gethsemane, with His troubled heart, Jesus sought His Father in prayer through the night.

We follow His example when we lift our hearts to Him in the midst of our anxieties.

Jesus, let’s do this together. Not one step without You.


P.S. Next week I’ll be sending out a personal update on my family and ministry. See you then.

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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