Poured Out

Hi Friends,

As many of you are aware, families in the community where I live are in transition. Some are leaving full-time ministry for the first time and entering the workplace. Some are getting part-time jobs to supplement participating in part-time ministry.

Nearly every friend in this position that I’ve had the opportunity to talk with has stated some version of this: I still want to live a life poured out before the Lord.

Although most would agree that living a poured out life is not contingent on being expressed in one particular time or place, we most often use this kind of language to refer to a ministry position. That’s one reason it can feel disorienting to transition out of ministry.

Let’s talk about this. But first, a chorus I have been singing for years:

Let every moment of my life be offered up in love
The constant conversation of a heart that just can’t get enough
Let every moment of my life be offered up in love to You

Among all the things He showed us by becoming a man, Jesus displays exactly what it looks like to live a life poured out before the Lord.

When He was a student, learning the craft of carpentry.

When He attended a wedding, staying long, even prolonging the party.

When He laughed and played with children in a field. Let them come!

When He cooked fish over a flame for his friends for breakfast.

When He touched the hand of Peter’s mother-in-law, caring for her in her sickness.

When He slips away for time to be quiet and pray.

You could replace each sentence above with this phrase:

Jesus poured His life out in love before the Lord.

Yes, every last thing this God Man does is holy. No separation between flesh and spirit, between sacred and ordinary. He’s shown us that every moment is one perfectly crafted to give Him our love.

Not just “adequate”…perfectly crafted.

It doesn’t matter if you’re able-bodied or intelligent. It doesn’t matter if you have money or training. It doesn’t matter if you’re in ministry or driving trucks across the country for a living.

Whatever life brings, whatever trial or joy or work, He is right there. Right here. Ready to be found. Ready to receive.

And so we pour our lives out in love before You, Lord.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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