Hi Friends, 7 years ago I bought a Fiddle Leaf Fig plant from my local greenhouse, and as I did, I did the math. You know the kind: I kill everything green. This green thing costs $60. If I can keep it alive ten months, I will have spent $6/month having a Fiddle Fig, so I don’t have to feel so bad about its demise, and I can replace it. Keep it alive till winter. That was the goal. However, contrary to my track record and all expectations, this Fiddle Fig is still kicking it and is over 10 feet tall. Even still, there’s a running joke between my husband and I. Each time I water the Fiddle Fig, one of us channels our inner Puddleglum from Narnia and predicts, “It’ll be dead by nightfall, I shouldn’t wonder.” While I haven’t grown much in my green-thumbery, there is one thing I learned about this kind of plant. The moment I heard, it I knew it was one of those rules in nature that hits as a true metaphor for the heart. These kinds of plants need to be shaken. Yes, shaken. They need the storms, the winds, the disruption in order to stay healthy. The temperature-controlled, comfortable atmosphere of the indoors removes something important for the growth of the plant. Things don’t grow well in a vacuum. The winds that come outdoors disturb the plant, causing its roots to be strengthen and drive down deeper. You know where this is going, don’t you? God is a master gardener. He comes right in close, His hands in the dirt of our lives, looking to strengthen and prune and nourish us. Yes, He wants us fully alive, and that sometimes means allowing the winds. He knows just how to mature our love for Him and for others, just how to bring us into fullness of health. He allows our feeble faith to be tested so that it can grow and flourish. This is how we can rejoice in tribulations, knowing the winds bring perseverance and character and hope (Romans 5:3-4). And there’s good news for us. He’s not hedging His bets with a 10-month keep-it-alive plan. He’s in it for good, pouring His love into our hearts (Romans 5:5). Thank you, Jesus, for knowing just what I need, and for causing me to flourish. I trust in You. –Anna |
I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.
Hi Friends, There’s a segment in Sesame Street that I remember from childhood. It begins with a catchy jingle where Grover sings, “one of these is not like the others”. Then it teaches kids to identify what doesn’t fit in. Two circles and a square. Two red frisbees and a yellow frisbee. You get the picture. The Lord’s Prayer deals with some weighty life issues. But one line has stood out to theologians consistently over the centuries as an incompatible addition. Here’s the lineup: Holiness,...
Hi Friends, I remember a few years ago I was reading through Psalm 23:2-3, “He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul”. I sang this chorus about it: You touch my heart and cause me to thirstBy grace You draw me to the riverAnd now I see You are the waterIt’s You on every sideJesus is the source of both our need and our satisfaction. It’s Him on every side. Cognitively, we know this. We teach it to our children in infancy, right? “Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He...
Dear Friends, You know that thing you carry in your heart, tucked just below the surface? Where you go about your normal day—making coffee, driving to work, cleaning up the messes of your kids—but you know if someone asks you just the right question at just the right time you might crack open and this thing would spill straight out? That thing. Maybe it’s a prayer for the healing of a family member, or for a strained relationship. Maybe it’s prayer for your marriage or a wayward child. I call...