So Much Better

Dear Friends,

I’m willing to bet I know something about you:

No matter who you are or how long you’ve known the Lord, He’s so much better than you think.

In bold below is a chorus I sang recently in the prayer room. Below that are a few thoughts.

You’re so much better than I thought
Oh Jesus
Truly no one can compare to You

When any last one of us—from the drug addict saved for an hour to the theologian with four decades of Bible scholarship under his belt—catches a glimpse of who Jesus is in a new way, our breath catches.

You’re so much better than I thought.

The Christian life is a process of deconstructing our dark thoughts about life and God, and replacing them with light and truth. It’s “renewing our minds” (Romans 12:2) and being transformed “from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

This might take on a whole different vibe if we were dealing with anyone other than Jesus. With Him, this process is less like a demolition project and more like chasing a sunset. We stand immobilized with wonder at what we see, and we race to get just a little closer—a new view—where we stand in awe yet again.

As for us, we are a mixed bag. We put our best foot forward. We attempt to make a good first impression. As a relationship grows, it’s a slow unveiling of our weaknesses and shortcomings. We learn to bear with one another.

But in Him is no darkness at all. No fear of what you might find right around the bend. In fact, I know exactly what I’m going to find. It’s what I always find in Jesus:

He’s so much better than I thought.


P.S. I grabbed the clip of this chorus from the prayer room. You can hear it here if you’re interested!

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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