Songs For Jerusalem

Dear Friends,

It was a less-than-normal day. I had missed the entire pre-set briefing due to kid chaos going down at home. (Three boys… you get the picture.)

I finally arrived at the prayer room, hiding under my hat, and decided I would let myself sit down for the entire set. If ever there was a day to give myself a pass, this was it.

Little did I know, a couple spontaneous choruses from that set would develop into something so much more.

In bold below is one of the choruses from that set, and below that are a few thoughts.

Sing with gladness for Jacob
Shout among the Chief of the Nations
Sing with gladness for Jacob
And cry out, “Lord save Your people”

One of our leaders was so moved as we sang over Israel, he tasked us with writing the choruses into a song. He emailed, “I will have many people from all over the world listen to this song. No pressure. Smiley face. Football emoji.


Long story short: three of us sat down, labored over the words and melodies, brought it to the band to nail down an arrangement, and Songs For Jerusalem was born.

But what feels most impactful to me personally is what was born in my spirit. In the process of writing this song, I discovered a hesitance in my heart to actually rejoice over them.


Even with limited understanding, I know the road walked by the Jewish people over history has been one of suffering. And in seeing the end time events in Scripture, the road for Israel will not soon be an easy one.

How can I rejoice?? To do so felt almost out of touch.

But “sing with gladness” (Jeremiah 31) is what the Lord specifically calls the gentile, world-wide church to do.


Our God is the God of a grand story. It’s the story of a faithful God who chose a people group to display His name.

Jacob is the apple of His eye. A crown in His hand. Jerusalem will be His throne forever.

It’s a love story.

A tale of His heart that never changes, never wavers in the intensity of love. A love that sees His people through every valley and shadow, to the end.

And He wants His church to see what He sees in His chosen people of Israel.

He wants us to see the very end of the story, and prophesy it at the top of our lungs. To rejoice in the way He feels toward Zion, and their future as a shining light in all the earth.

Our God loves Zion. We love Him. And so we love what He loves.

Lord, save Your people.


P.S. You can hear the song here.

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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