The Fast Track

Dear Friends,

This Christian life—this narrow way—where does it leave us?

I asked this question in a worship set this week. Here’s how it came out:

What does it mean to follow
The humble King
And where does it leave us
It’s a fast track to the bottom
Lower still
When you’re clinging to Jesus

The way of Jesus is a narrow way. He who is great in every sense—expansive in glory, knowledge, power—He became very small, vulnerable on our behalf. The Word from the beginning took on flesh and dwelt among us.

When we turn our lives over to Christ, it’s like we throw the anchor of our lives into Him. When you bind yourself to this humble King, there’s only one place that takes you. The way is down.

It’s a fast track to the bottom when you’re clinging to Jesus. Lower, lower, lower. There’s no high ground.

Pride “puffs up”. Vanity, conceit, selfish ambition are toxins that rise. Wise in our own eyes, we stand a little taller, a little surer of being right. Jesus? He bends down lower still, washing the feet of friends and enemies.

A friend recently referenced the parable of the wheat and the tares that the Lord allows to grow up together. She said that when wheat is fully mature, the fruit causes it to bend over. The tares, unencumbered by seed and fruit, shoot straight up.

Oh God, in the field of my heart, what areas stand up straight as tares? Where am I wise in my own eyes? Bring the sickle across the top of my heart. Cut down the weeds of sin and mixture.

I want maturity in Christ. Fruit. To cast my anchor into Him and be pulled into the life He lives.
Lower, lower, lower still.


P.S. I made an iPhone video of this chorus. You can hear me sing it here if you’re interested.

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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