The Good Shepherd

Hi Friends,

It’s no secret that the spiritual community I’m a part of has been going through the trauma of discovering layer after layer of truths that our main teacher and founder is not the man we thought. Some of you are following closely and are deeply affected. Others of you are not following it at all. (You can read the latest statement here from IHOPKC, or more details on many media outlets.)

However close or distant you are from the firestorm happening in this community, you’ve likely encountered in your life the pain and shock of betrayal. An unfaithful spouse. A manipulative friendship. I’m not sure many other woundings go deeper.

In quiet moments of worship it has been particularly healing for me to call Jesus by His name: the Good Shepherd. Yes, through the absolute worst of circumstances, He’s the Good Shepherd of our souls.

You don’t manipulate
You don’t abuse
You don’t control or twist Your words
We’re safe with You.

No ulterior motives. No dark corners, not even a shadow. We are safe with You.

He’s called a rock. A firm foundation. A shelter. A tower. A cornerstone. Completely, utterly, entirely unchanging. The same yesterday, today and forever.

No need to wince or brace ourselves for what we might find in His heart. He has opened it wide.

He’s the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.

And even as we process unthinkable pain in our lives, wrestle with His mysterious sovereignty that foresees all things, He stands ready to carry our burdens, all the anger and hurt. Just as His heart is open, He leans in to help us crack ours open, too. Nothing hidden.

He doesn’t point the way for the sheep and meet up with us at the next destination. He walks every step. His leadership is perfect.


P.S. Some of you have reached out from a distance to share how you’ve been feeling. Always feel free to hit reply and reach out.

It’s also important to find one or two in your church community or family with whom you can spill out everything building in your heart and mind. We make it through together.

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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