The Tool In His Hand

Hi Friends,

Sometimes in life we are blindsided by trial. Ordinary day follows ordinary day until boom: it’s like it comes out of nowhere.

Sudden sorrow is disorienting. But even in the middle of it all, our confession of Him rings out. Let’s take a look.

In bold below is a chorus I sang in the prayer room, and below that are a few thoughts.

I make my confession
Not because of what I see
But because You are faithful
And I trust the way You lead

I’m talking about the hard moments. When tears seep into your pillow in the dark of the morning before you even squint your eyes open for the first time.

Even still, as wild emotions fly, your commitment to trust in Him remains. Your allegiance to His ways, His heart, His call.

This is not because of what we see. Even with eyes wide open, straining to make sense of things, it can feel like our vision is swallowed up in a cloud of confusion.

It’s not because of what we feel. The flame of the trial so close, so personal, its sting bears down on the heart unrelentingly.

No, it’s not because of anything having to do with us at all.

It’s because His leadership is perfect. PERFECT.

Even the trials, the sting, the fire: they’re but a tool in His hand.

Now, if you’re like me, you’ve spent untold hours in the mental loop of is this God? Is this because of me? Is this because of that person? Is this the enemy? And around and around and around.

But we can get off that carousel for a moment without having found any answers. There’s a much greater truth to be had. One that’s bathed in mercy. It’s this:

He will take anythingANYTHING—and use it as a tool in His hand to perfect our love. He will take even the most self-made, well-deserved mess we find ourselves in and hide within it the gold of knowing Him. He will use it to grow our love.

We can stop letting the blame game tie us up in knots on the inside. We can stop losing sleep about that one person standing in our way. We can let the oil of healing pool into our deepest regrets.

We’re here for the gold of knowing Him and having His love perfected in our hearts. This is how, even in a moment of sorrow, we find a place of peace and surrender in the middle of it all.

Jesus, You are faithful, and I trust the way You lead.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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