
Dear Friends,

Sometimes a basic truth that you know well overwhelms in a new way. This happened in a set a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been in awe of His kindness.

Below, in bold, is a spontaneous chorus from that set, and below that are a few thoughts.

The way You always meant
For it to be
Between You and me
Unbroken communion

Walking in the cool of the day with us in the garden He planted. Open hearted fellowship. Unbroken communion. Yes, this is the way He always meant for it to be.

But our hearts have grown dim, and the silt of sin and despair have slowly buried the memory of what once was.

But He’s not ever forgotten it. Not ever gotten over it. Not ever made peace with the breach.

Nail scarred hands prove that He just can’t bear the distance.

A far cry from the garden, Jesus walked the dusty streets of Jerusalem. He was on a mission of un-doing the effects of sin and shame. Healing the sick. Forgiving iniquity. The great rewind.

Yes, only He can un-break a thing.

And because of His sacrifice on the cross, His payment for the breach, He sends out the Holy Spirit.

Into every drug den, bodies laid out and languishing, into every luxury car, soul chained to the cares of this world, every people, tongue, and nation, He comes. He throws His arm around our world-weary shoulders with a message.

Come home.

Our hearts, washed clean with mercy, are beckoned back to fellowship—friendship—with God. Just as it was in the garden.

Yes, only He can un-break a thing.


Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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