Worth Its Weight In Gold

Hi Friends,

I loved hearing from many of you after last week’s letter on friendships. It seems like something the Lord is highlighting to many of us right now.

In light of this, I want to share some lyrics from a song I wrote for a dear friend several years ago:

When we see the gaps, we reach
Love is always covering
It’s Christ in you and Christ in me
Showing us the worth

Our friendship’s worth its weight in gold
Worth its weight in gold
The past and all the future holds
Worth its weight in gold

Yes, these connections go deep. So deep we’re called brothers and sisters. Family. You can disinherit family on paper. You can stop showing up for family dinners. You can feel so cut through by someone it hits bone. But you can’t change out the blood flowing through your veins. The namesake your very life is legacy to.

Yes, this Spirit within that made us sons and daughters to our Father in Heaven is the bond between us as brothers and sisters that just won’t let us get away.

There will be trouble. There will be gaps between. There will be.

But in the family of God we do things differently. We don’t see the canyon between and cut bait. We don’t harbor bitterness and grow callous.

When we see the gaps, we reach.

Not with our own strength. Not of our own initiative. But because of Christ. It’s Christ in you and Christ in me, showing us the worth.

Maybe this reads idealistic. Maybe it sounds like cotton-candy sentiment. But I know this kind of love, this kind of brotherhood, and it’s gritty. It’s dirt under your nails, sweat on your brow, believing the best again and again and again.

The song ends with:

When there’s pain and heaviness
It’s only adding to the worth for us
Because our friendship’s worth its weight in gold

Thank you for sharing your lives with me. I read every reply, and I am often amazed by your openness to share your struggles, your insights.

I’m thankful for this diverse, tenacious, tender body of Christ we find ourselves in together.

Thankful for you.


P.S. You can listen to the whole song here.

Anna Blanc

I am a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, Jesus follower. I send out a 2-minute read every Tuesday about Jesus and life in God.

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